Inexplicable cosmology

Brace yourself for a fascinating trip through dimensions higher than our own. You’ll discover how quantum physics and string theory have opened our eyes to the possibilities of quantum foam, the multiverse, and antimatter. When I heard Professor Tyson’s lecture, I developed my understanding of the universe’s fate (including the collision of galaxies, the burning out of stars, and the decay of orbits into black holes).
While Quantum Physics researchers and scientists had varying points on their thoughts about religion and atheism and where they stand in their belief. I develop my understanding. Having analyzed Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Professor at Columbia University and a Professor at Harvard University lecture, I now question how philosophy, science, and spirituality can lead us to the grand design of the universe?




TROY, New York – Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno, director of the Vatican Observatory, told a crowd at a Troy Catholic Church that “the study of the universe is an act of worship.”

He cited Psalm 139, “O Lord, you have searched me, and you know me,” and added: “There are places in the universe we haven’t set foot on yet, and maybe we won’t,” but they are “as much a part of God’s creation” as the earth.

“God is bigger than just what we see around here,” Consolmagno said.

Attendees were visibly moved by the photos he shared of planetary landscapes, moon craters, stars, and galaxies. He quickly noted that none of the images were artist’s renderings; close-up photos showed places “we have visited with our machinery and left our footprints.”

The astronomer emphasized the need to see other heavenly bodies as specific places. He shared a clip from a panel discussion on C-SPAN after a Mars rover landing in which a mission team member described his awe at seeing photos of the red Martian landscape.

I was reading this extract from an article published in the Crux Magazine. The headline read: Study of the universe ‘an act of worship,’ Vatican astronomer says. The reporter from Catholic News Services, Kate Blain, published an article on March 15, 2018. Initially, I noticed that there was a connection between Religion and Science, or were we at crossroads where these two blocks were obstructing the growth of the human mind and expanding knowledge. I questioned this phenomenon as The 21st century is data-driven. We are in a digital technological age. I subsequently questioned my belief in the bible, and I was looking for answers about the existence of God? Does the bible contradict itself, and how was the Old TestamentTestament replaced by the New? The reason it’s lasted so long is that it is the perfect story – birth to death. It’s riveting. There is a reason people tell it over and over again. And Genesis is a work of perfection as well. Goddamn, I love that story! Later, I realized Talking snakes, talking donkeys, and an old drunk who built a ship atop a mountain. At first, I did not know whether the Talking Snake of the Garden of Eden was simply a myth or not? Is it a primitive fable ancient man formulated to explain the origin of evil?

Snake's do not talk
The BibleScienceGuy wrestles a 12-ft, 50-lb live python. It did not talk and did not stand erect.

I subsequently questioned whether the Bible was just an excellent piece of literature? Because if it just began as “Once upon a time…” it came to my mind how a whole segment of science has been disadvantaged for thousands of years as religious books were a roadblock in the political sense to the technological revolution. With all due respect, calling something “literature” doesn’t infer “excellent literature.” I may have missed the point. For me, practical learning happened when I subsequently questioned myself: Do mythical beings and tales of heroism preclude something from being excellent literature?
On the contrary, many books considered fantastic literature has precisely these qualities. Homer, Virgil, more modern writers like C.S. Lewis and Tolkien, etc. I have now begun to realize that If an author’s work is presented as fiction, then there’s no problem. The problem is that people want to use their religious scriptures to justify their morals, prejudices, and hate. Too many people have killed and died based upon their fervent beliefs in sacred writings, whether it be The Bible, The Torah, the Talmud, the Quran, or the Book of Mormon. The classical epics aren’t presented as fiction either. And in defense of the Biblical authors, they had no way of knowing that people would use their books to deny science, persecute people, and so on. But aside from that, the Bible can still be appreciated as literature. If tomorrow somebody used the works of William Shakespeare, for example, to deny science and persecute non-Shakespereans, we wouldn’t find this as a reason to stop appreciating the works themselves. Alternatively, if people’s solid religious mindsets for admiring tales of talking snakes, talking donkeys, an old man who built a ship atop a mountain, and a talking-burning bush as great literary works, then go for it!
Whether literature is fictional or not is debatable! The fact remains that The stories inspired Game of Thrones And most modern western storytelling in one way or another. In fact, even science fiction films, visions, brainstorms, and ideas of genius creativity for deep-thinking individuals transpired through religious beliefs.

This caption reminds us that the book of Revelation balances out the all-forgiving Jesus to remind us of judgment. Can’t have justice without judgment. That’s assuming one takes it literally. It’s much more likely it was allegorical. Some theologians think John was referring to the fall of the Roman Empire. If you’re an atheist, you’re supposed to hate everything about the Bible? No appreciation of the writings or characters is allowed because we’re critical thinkers, damn it! Some riveting stories, time-honored wisdom, and generally good life advice, even if you don’t believe the supernatural stuff. As some would argue that the Bible is MORE than literature. It is the presumptive history of a time! It becomes difficult to fathom that a document as extensive and detailed as the Bible hasn’t been corrupted by kings and popes. Popes and priests consider themselves as God’s themselves. The absolute nerve of them. Interesting literature, cultural artifacts… King James’s version has a certain poetic cadence. From an Atheist standpoint, some would argue that the Bible is horribly written, plagued by fallacies, and is translated from English to idiot English to even more idiot English. However, it still makes no fucking sense. For fucks sake, the bibles you buy in stores don’t even include the Apocrypha, the only part of the decently-written book. Some of our most important discoveries have been made by taking things literally.


Since I was not particular about religion, I came across another article: Here’s Why Stephen Hawking Says There Is No God.   Stephen Hawking believed that there is a “grand design” to the universe but that it has nothing to do with God. With continual breakthroughs, science is coming closer to “The Theory of Everything,” and when it does, Hawking believes all of us will be able to understand and benefit from this grand design. Let’s pick the brain of the late Stephen Hawking, one of the most unique minds to contribute to science and a lifelong atheist.


This knowledge is essential for me in the workplace because I am not yet sure about the existence of God. I will now need to understand how an individual’s life fits into the Universe’s grand design theory.

I questioned gravity because God did not invent gravity. I realize that the laws of nature are higher than religion.

A number of the world’s top scientists will be coming together very shortly to discuss developments in gravitational-wave astronomy. LIGO, Virgo, and 70 observatories will be represented in the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) talk that’s due to take place on Monday, October 16, at 10:00 am EDT at the National Press Club in Washington D.C.

LIGO and Virgo’s collaboration reported the first joint detection of Einstein’s gravitational waves on August 14 2017, at 10∶30:43 UTC. The Advanced Virgo detector and the two Advanced LIGO detectors coherently observed a transient gravitational-


Subsequently, I noticed a connection between Doctor Who, Dalek, and the Time Lord series that entertained the 7.6M British public on BBC Television. Even in the soap, the cosmic microwave background radiation convinced many about the Big Bang Theory.


The Mutation of Time is the second part of ‘Dalek’s Masterplan,’ which ran on British TV until the end of January 1966.


Doctor Who, Vicki, and Steven Taylor arrive in Northumbria on the eve of the Viking and Norman invasions of England. With a mysterious Monk in the nearby monastery, this was the first time the Doctor encountered another Time Lord. When the TARDIS materializes on an apparently deserted Northumbrian beach, Steven disputes the Doctor’s claim that they have traveled back to the eleventh century. The discovery of a modern wristwatch in a nearby forest reinforces his opinion.
But it is 1066, the most important date in English history, and the Doctor’s arrival has not gone unnoticed. Observing the appearance of the TARDIS is a mysterious monk who recognizes the time machine for what it is. He also knows that the Doctor poses a severe threat to his master plan – a plan which, if successful, could alter the future of the entire world.


Could we discover alien life on a Trappist-1 exo-planet? What could life on Trappist-1 e, f, or g in the habitable zone be like?

Not many theoretical physics professors moonlight as film producers. What happens when scientists produce science fiction movies. You’d want the film to get science right. Batman inception, Interstellar, The reverent, and The Jurassic World films have portrayed science fiction films to audiences.

Doctor Who and adventure in space-time series use Cosmic Backgrounds. Explorer COBE and Cosmic Microwave Background. CMB satellites were designed to investigate cosmic microwave background radiation and provide evidence of the primordial density fluctuations that gave rise to hydrogen, helium atoms, stars, and galaxies, supporting the Big Bang cosmology theory.
(Govert Schilling, Ripples in Space-time, 2017, p171-172)


Actor Peter Capaldi on why we need ‘Doctor Who’ now more than ever.

“kindness and intelligence and care…..I think we need heroes like that.”

(Peter Capaldi, The New York Times, 11/04/2017)

Producer Chris Chibnall (born 1970) is an English television writer. He is best known for his work on the science-fiction series Torchwood and the ITV detective serial Broadchurch. On 22 January 2016, it was announced that he would become the new lead writer and executive producer of Doctor Who in 2018.

The Universe is bigger today than it was hundred years ago. The question is, How can we merge quantum physics with the theories of the Universe. What happens when the theory of the large meets the theory of the small. Our complete understanding of cosmology is based on Einstein’s theory of Relativity. It alerts us to the nature of the space-time continuum that spans the Universe. The theory of the small is the theory of Quantum physics, and the theory of the large is the Relativity theory. Both these theories are incompatible. Quantum theories require that space and time be quantized. That is what quantum theory means That space and time are not infinitely divisible into a smooth interval into a smooth continuum. It breaks up into pieces, and you can’t get parts any smaller than that. Whereas general Relativity requires space and time be smooth. Both theories are working within their own regimes. However, what was to happen if they had to meet each other or if they had to operate in the same place at the same time? Yes, such a situation existed in the Universe in early times. In earlier times, the Universe we know is expanding. That means yesterday it was smaller than it was today. If we rewind time and return to the point where the entire Universe was simultaneously in the same place, occupying a minimal volume. A volume is small enough that it rivals the scale over which quantum physics applies. Imagine the entire Universe at the size of an atom. Under those conditions, what do we have? You have a shotgun marriage between these two incompatible theories. Something’s got to give because the large becomes small. And what this scenario spawns are really freaky ideas, Like quantum foam with the fabric of space and time. It is less like a smooth curved fabric and more like a froth on a latte, and this is what string theorists are trying to do, among other things that they are up to.

In this state of matter and energy, quantum fluctuations, a normal part of quantum physics, can spawn entire universes. Since the Universe is a size of an atom, quantum fluctuations birth the Universe as a whole. Each with slightly varying laws of physics from the other. And all of this unfolds in dimensions higher than our own. Now not all universes will survive. The laws of physics they have chosen for themselves. Some will recollapse before stars are born. Others will expand so fast that matter never has the chance to coalesce into galaxies and stars.

Let’s analyze how matter enters consciousness. We can assume that not all universes will survive because of the laws of physics that each star has chosen for itself. Some issues will happen to collapse before stars are born. That’s how matter works. Others will expand so fast in the Universe that matter never has the chance to coalesce into galaxies and stars. Still, others are succumbing to laws because no matter is stable. If our existence on Earth allowed some of the matter within it to achieve consciousness. It is Matter and Spirituality that will enable us to contemplate our very own existence. For me, the most helpful learning that happened to hear the lecture was how the quantum fluctuations gave rise to multiple universes from within that quantum foam.

When multiple universes were born, this entity was called a “Multiverse.” If our sun is just one of the countless other sons evolving in our mindset. The sun we earthling’s see is not the brightest, dimmest, most prominent, or smallest it is average in the Universe’s grand design because when we look at the stars in the night sky, they are so small and dim. After all, they are too far away. The myth that the sun was the only unique object in our galaxy was proved wrong when many planets were discovered around the sun. Or when we found that Jupiter had a storm system in its atmosphere bigger than the entire planet earth. The worlds we see in the night sky are not smaller or lesser than we are. Among planets, the Earth is actually very small. So, we learned that there was not just one Earth or sun. Having discussed this, I now realize that the milky way, the band of night light in the sky, is unique. I now realize that we are not the only galaxy that comprises the Universe. The Hubble telescope showed that our Milky Way galaxy is not one but countless billions of galaxies in the Universe.

I improved my knowledge and understanding that the Universe was not singular despite our urges to require it to be true for them. In fact, nothing in the Universe comes in one, not even the Universe itself. This could explain why living life alone is such a bad thing. So, if the Universe is a hyper-dimensional multiverse, the perennial question is what was around before the Universe began. We began with a single quantum fluctuation among countless others. The Universe never makes anything in one’s, not even the Universe itself. Then, the multiverse from which we were born. Part of a system of multiverses, which is part of those, and so forth. At the minutest level, Spirituality is a state of mind achieved when we let the EGO go.

Given that we started all this thinking that Earth was something special in the center of the Universe, it can be quite a blow to one’s ego. Suppose we have an ego much larger than the cosmos can justify so. In that case, we take this fact and use this trend line in the history of discoveries by quantum scientists to try to have an unjustifiable large ego because, in just a few decades, the scientists will find something about the Universe that puts us in place.

As scientists progress in their discoveries, our place in the universe is getting smaller and smaller in grand design.

In the early universe, we know that everything was packed into a small space, and the temperature was very high. And when you have high temperatures, the world around you behaves very differently from what goes on here on earth. In fact, energy is equivalent to matter; you can convert them back and forth at will, provided you can pull it off. And when you do so, you can create particles out of energy fields and energy fields out of particles. This was going on incessantly in the earth’s universe because it was just that hot. Well, light anywhere you see in the universe is typically visible and doesn’t have enough energy to make particles. That’s why e equals mc squared does not manifest itself in any obvious way in everyday life. But, if I was bathed with a high-energy version of visible light rays such as gamma rays. It has enough energy to spawn simultaneously. For example, it can create electrons. However, there is a symmetry to this in the universe’s grand design, and symmetry is a beautiful concept. Prof says that if you take light and make matter out of it, the energy from sunlight and turn it into matter makes pairs of particles every time. For example, taking an X-RAY will make an electron, and that antimatter part of the electron is the proton. It will simultaneously create them, and they will fly in the opposite direction. If you bring those two particles back together, they annihilate and become energy again. The is E equals mc squared manifested, and it does this every single time in the early universe, and it was a kind of equilibrium particle soup that went on back then. Every time you make particles, they come in pairs. Every time they annihilate, they disappear entirely. If that’s all that went on in the early universe as we expanded and cooled, there will come a day every matter, and antimatter particle will be annihilated. It would create light. The light would cool, wouldn’t have enough energy to make those particles again, and the entire universe would be filled with light and no matter in it because everything was symmetric. If symmetry was preserved, we would not be here talking about it. However, in shocking disbelief, something happened in the early universe, and that was called symmetry breaking. As mentioned, all particles get created in pairs, but nature disobeyed its laws back then. At some point, a high-energy beam of light