Mobile Phones



We rely on MOBILE phones increasingly. Beyond technology, children learn in the age of digital culture. Mobile phones and Machine-human interaction. The impact of radio frequency – Machine-human interaction gives us an incredible digital experience. Be it the latest iPhone, smartphone, or Samsung new phone, people are always on-the-look out to get the best digital experience. There are thousands of phones to choose from; you can search for the best phone under £100 or the best phone under £200 on search engines. People rely on mobile phones and base their purchases on machine-human interaction for an engaging, interactive experience.

How are the mobile phone machine and human mind interaction affecting you? This is the primary step, an example of testing how a digital mindset sets in and alters our thought processes. What about nomophobia and Cell phone addiction?

man wearing black headset
Photo by Ola Dapo on

How is the brain function getting altered? The neurons and chemical balances keep changing with our moods.

Are we processing and disseminating information too fast and at the rate of speed of lightning. The process, however, is far from a consistent experience.

So, there are numerous questions under the scanner.

We are getting alienated from one another as our communication patterns have changed.

We communicate our shopping lists, habits, and feelings through social media platforms and emojis. However, when we go beyond the technology interface – to analyze our brain from a subjective stance, for example.

The repercussions are uneven on the human mind.

How is it that each and every one of us our impacted depending upon the various factors and time of interaction the experiences differ? It varies!

How was – the digital experience for you? What was the handset like?

Are you ready for the broader implications of digital technologies in our lives? Scientific opinion:  For more information on radiation protection 

Digital Culture

This blog is about Digital Culture and answers questions about how data-driven societies work? It is essentially a good read for entrepreneurs, students, and anybody interested in the functions of digital communities,
Where technology machines and human mind interactions, artificial intelligence in 24/7 digital culture have become a reality, and how are they affecting our daily lives?
For the first time, we are living in our own virtual digital pods, and the lockdown has led us beyond our expected experiences of what it is like working from home.



We are confined by our gadgets, but machine-human interaction affects every cell of our body. I write this blog for anybody interested in knowing more about the various topic of digital life.

We carry on mundane activities 24 hours a day in our digital cells’ home environment with our desktops, Ipads, and mobile devices.

Anyways even the most expensive mobile phones have consequences.

For example, if we sit in one place with the best phone on the market, the brain is affected by radiation. Here are the Mobile Safety Guidelines 

Apart from mobile phones and machine-human interactions, various chapters in the blog will shed light on the digital culture lifestyle.

We have become oblivious to ourselves, and our actions are a mechanical function of the brain.












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